Math For College Algebra / Algebra 2 <div>Course information</div>

Algebra 2 Honors /Mathematics for College Algbra 

M.A.S.T. High School @ Homestead

Course Description

Instructor : Mr. Lee

Room : 214 /Email: OR Email:, Mailto: TEXT

Algebra 2/ Mathematis for College Algebra  is a course that you can be actively engaged as you learn basic principles of anaylitic thinking. We will use Algrebraic properties, anaylyze linear and Quadratic functions  and perform real world  investigations to discover mathematical principles, theorems, laws, postulates and identities. In doing so we will use an intuitive and analytical  approach in discovering trigonometry which includes interesting shapes that connects real world problems with art, science, history, music and culture.

Student Expectations

1.Algrbra 2 / College Algrebra is a course that studies the basic properties  to solve problems. This course requires a significant amount of reading and understanding abstract concepts.2. It is the student's responsiblity to the  check  my Google class or Big Ideas in Student Portal  for assignments.

3. Students will prepare for class on a daily basis. This includes reading all asignments sections of the text book when assigned and completing all homework assignment on said due date. Students should also bring all necessary materials for class. That includes writing materials, composition book, graph paper, calculator, 3 ring binder, loose leaf paper, notes, pervious assignment.

4.Students will respect others and their right to learn while obeying class rules at all times.

5. Students will be on time and prepared to begin class when the bell rings.

6. Students will turn in assignments on due date.

Policies regarding make-up work

It is important that you attend class regularly and take exams and quizzes during class time.It is your responsibility to obtain class notes and submit assignments after an absence. All missed work must be made up according to the guidelines printed in the student handbook.

How will students be evaluated?

Grades will be calculated using the following rubrics: Exams 30% Quzzies 25% Classwork 20% Homework 25 %. Projects and presentations will have their own Rubrics.